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19: Kerry II

19: Kerry II

The concluding segment of our interview with Kerry Jackson of X-96 and the Geekshow podcast is here! In this hour we talk about Orson Scott Card’s “Ender’s Game,” Kerry beats Chuck up over not liking Star Trek: Into Darkness, and Matt reveals he has actually done some show prep.


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2.14 Kerry Jackson

2.14 Kerry Jackson

Episode 14 is the first part of our interview with guest Kerry Jackson, X96 radio DJ, atheist, and host of the Geekshow podcast. In this part we discuss atheism in Utah, Kerry’s experiences as a youth growing up in Salem, Utah, and even his run-in with cancer and how that affected his beliefs and his career.

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Cognitive Dissonance #100

Cognitive Dissonance #100

So Cognitive Dissonance hit their 100th episode and forced me to be on their show again under threat of anal harm. I thought hard about that, then decided to do it anyway because these guys are a hoot.

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And now for something completely different …

[chuck]I was invited to appear on the Sci-fi Review podcast to discuss my favorite movie of all time, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. We discuss the amazing overacting abilities of the Shatner and Mr. Roarke from Fantasy Island, the needs of the many vs the needs of the few (or the one), my questionable ability to recall particular scenes of this classic movie line by line, the usefulness of girdles and toupees, and why Citizen Kane pales in comparison. Surprisingly, religion (almost) never comes up.

Check it out here, if you’re nerd enough.

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I’m on the Church of Awesome!

[chuck]The good folks over at Church of Awesome (some of whom you may remember from the Mormon Missionary and Temple episodes) had a round table on the absurdity of the Atonement and invited me to join in. The result can be found here: The Atonement.

I think I was a little fuzzy from the beginnings of a sinus infection mixed with an off-brand energy drink, but I had a good time. Give it a listen for the rest of the crew in any case.

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106: Bob Price on the Book of Mormon

[irrelig]We return with an interview with the inimitable Bob Price, who has recently written an eBook called “Latter-day Scripture,” which is all about Price’s look at the Book of Mormon as a work of pseudepigrapha, or “false writing.” Price compares Joseph Smith’s 19th century work with some of the pseudepigrapha in the Old and New Testament, such as Daniel or the Pastoral Epistles, and emerges with a new appreciation for an old hoax.

No Skunk Dickery this week, unless you count what goes on inside the podcast.

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