In this episode, Joemma delve into the juiciness of The Pornocracy. It was a time when harlots ruled The Catholic Church and Popes were very naughty. Yes, if you can believe it, The Catholic Church has a history of sexual scandal (shock horror, gasp). Also, we debut our new regular segment “J.I.S. Of The Week”, and it’s a ripper. If you love whores, you’ll love this episode. Three times as much as usual.


10 Responses to “Episode 69: The Pornocracy”

  1. If God created man is his likeness and image, and man was naked, does it mean that God was/is naked also. And does that mean that he only put on clothes when man sinned? On a side, what type of clothes does he wear?

    The reason for all of this is the harlot comment. Adam and Eve were naked, so does that name them whores and harlots? And God was spying on them…because that was the first then he mentioned after he found them in the garden (which brings the question why did God had to go looking for someone).

  2. It wasn’t as bad before the Fall, back then naked women were just double sluts

  3. The whole horse rather than just the arse.

  4. JOE. Gubernatorial elections are for GOVERNOR.

  5. moggie magfeline says:

    Under Calligulan rule, those elections would indeed be for a Mare

  6. I am a herp and a derp. I meant Governor lol

  7. somewhere in greece says:

    Now why didn’t we ever learn this stuff at school?

  8. sig: Triple whore super-added to X equals Septuple whore. Solve for X.

    As for the Pornocratic party, you pretty much had me at “endless fucking”. As a platform, I suggest 4-6 inches transparent plastic platforms. The motto: “replacing all civic duties with endless fucking, for the heartland”.

    Yes, I am doing you-know-what “in order to annoy Joe”.

  9. Leela the Blessed says:

    we had a stripper run for council here in Hamilton nz. Not even a classy stripper, we’re talking dancing at the pub. So we nearly had a pornocracy

  10. Yes, I am a bit of a nerd. For those who want the full title of the Magdeburg Centuries –
    -= OR =-
    Ecclesiastica Historia, integram Ecclesiae Christi ideam, quantum ad Locum, Propagationem, Persecutionem, Tranquillitatem, Doctrinam, Hæreses, Ceremonias, Gubernationem, Schismata, Synodos, Personas, Miracula, Martyria, Religiones extra Ecclesiam, & statum Imperii politicum attinet, secundum singulas Centurias, perspicuo ordine complectens: singulari diligentia & fide ex vetustissimis & optimis historicis, patribus, & aliis scriptoribus congesta: Per aliquot studiosos & pios viros in urbe Magdeburgicâ.

    You should hold a contest to see who can say it properly in one try, in the best accent, and parody thereof. Or not…