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2.56 Cara Santa Maria

2.56 Cara Santa Maria

In this episode we talk to science communicator Cara Santa Maria, of Talk Nerdy and Skeptics Guide fame, among nearly a million other things that I’m not going to go into because the list is constantly changing. Join us for a roller coaster ride that touches on nearly everything under the sun, from Cara’s Mormon upbringing to science and feminism to politics to Bill Maher to streets in California.

No skunk dicks this episode, just 100% pure Cara Santa Maria.

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Do you whore after other podcasts?

Do you whore after other podcasts?

Well then you’re in luck! Bryce Blankenagel of Naked Mormonism interviewed me, Chuck, for an episode of his podcast all about polygamy, polygamists, and growing up fundie. You can find it here, if you dare.

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We’re on the My Book of Mormon podcast 100th episode

Yes, the circle is now complete. Once David was but a learner, now he is the master. David and Bryce (of the exceptional Naked Mormonism podcast) have Matt and me on their show to discuss Doctrine & Covenants Section 6 and I rediscover how much I loathed the D&C in my youth.

My Book of Mormon Podcast Episode #100

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2.41: The Mountain Meadows Massacre

2.41: The Mountain Meadows Massacre

Ever think religion does no harm? Then this podcast is for you. It tells the unbelievable story of a dark time in Mormon history when some otherwise law-abiding religious people in southern Utah followed the instructions of their leaders and slaughter men, women, and children who were peacefully traveling through their territory. We talk about events preceding and following the massacre, and the extent to which Brigham Young was involved.

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27: My Book of Mormon Podcast

27: My Book of Mormon Podcast

This episode we chat with David Michael, an atheist never-Mormon who decided to voluntarily read the Book of Mormon, on purpose, and make a podcast about it. The counseling center that is dedicated to helping people transition to non-religion can be found here. Help them out if you can!

Also a few Skunkdicks and Matt gets a word in edgewise.

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For episode 25 we tackle Mormon claims of Native American ancestry. Now that we’ve unraveled the secrets of DNA, can we put these Mormon claims to the test? What does DNA have to say about the history of the Americas, its first inhabitants, and where they came from? Could it be that Mormons are correct when they claim Native Americans descended from a group of Hebrews who left Jerusalem around 600 BC?

Short answer: no. For the longer answer, listen up fuckers.

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