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88: The Nature of Existence

In this episode we interview Roger Nygard, director of the newly-released-on-DVD documentary, “The Nature of Existence.” Roger traveled all over the world in search of answers to such questions as why we exist, what do we do about it, is there a God, is there a Heaven or Hell, why we masturbate, what about gay people, and most importantly, why is Orson Scott Card such a humongous douchebag? We also discuss one of Roger’s previous efforts, Trekkies, because Leighton is such a huge Star Trek nerd.
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Draw Muhammad Day!

[chuck]While editing the new podcast on Hinduism, I noticed it was “Draw Muhammad Day.” Well, we here at Irreligiosophy couldn’t let that pass by unnoticed, so we put our intrepid starving Thai children to work. It took multiple threats of watching Kent Hovind videos, but here’s what they finally came up with:

New podcast up soon.

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61: Islam, Part Dos

[irrelig]So having dispensed with the historical backdrop of 7th century Arabia, we finish our (randomly-timed, not influenced by South Park at all) two-parter with a discussion of the Quran itself, crazy Islamic beliefs, and the status of women in Islam.

If you thought part one was crazy, get ready for multi-horned bovines standing on fish, propping up the earth and resting on angels with thousands of hands tipped with thousands of fingers, each a stinging serpent. Oh, and invisible genies. Give it a listen here.


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60: Islam, Part One

[irrelig]In answer to your prayers, the One True Podcast discusses Islam in a special two-parter. The first part covers the historical backdrop of Muhammad and 7th century Arabia, as well as the “Five Pillars of Islam,” all in a manner you’ve become accustomed to from the hard-working staff at Irreligiosophy.

Plus, we talk about this week’s candidates for the Mims Carter Skunk Dick of the Week Award and our mention by Skepticality‘s Swoopy on a recent Double Meat podcast. Get it while it’s hot, right here.


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ANN 23: Questions about Islam and 7 Modern Sins

[ann]For our 23rd episode, we discuss the answers to crucially important questions from an Islamic perspective, including whether it is halaal to eat a mermaid and whether masturbating is okay during Ramadan if one does not “emit semen.” Also, we cover Bishop Gianfranco Girotti’s modernization of the seven deadly sins. And finally, I surprise Leighton with another secret article!


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