[leighton]A listener asked me about getting a picture of my family up and although it’s taken me a while, here it is:

As an added bonus, and to make fun of those who actually believe in haunted houses, here is the news report concerning my childhood home being haunted and them tearing it down. Just a little background, all those spooky feelings people felt when they went there were derived from my buddy’s and my discovering people in there and telling them of the adopted children dying. As you can see, the story took on a life of its own and went national:

Lastly, because I doubt many of you believe the foolishness I bring up concerning my family, here is a video of my brothers and sisters when they were in their late teens. They put this “concert” on and actually attempted to get admission from those who came to it. There was even talk of putting on a second “concert”, however, I believe they may have figured out just how asinine things were and given up on their dreams of groupies(In case Youtube doesn’t allow the sound, follow this link: https://www.irreligiosophy.com/images/lipsync.m4v) :

8 Responses to “Late Halloween Present.”

  1. And of course I have to go into the code and modify the width so it stops breaking our layout. You’d think Leighton’s web design degree might HELP HIM OUT WITH THAT.

    And, uhhhh … you really want to point people to a 146mb video file? Are you trying to crash our servers?

  2. I “could” have fixed it, but I believe you need the practice more than I do. Either that or I had to run out the door upon posting it and was planning on fixing it upon my return.

    Yes, I am wanting to point them to that considering Youtube has taken away the audio. Those videos just aren’t as good without the audio. And what are you talking about “crash our servers”? We have maybe ten listeners. I think the two or three people who are going to download it aren’t going to affect the server much.

    Quit yer bitchin.

  3. Sheesh – I thought I had an extended family! By the way, you two sound like a couple of disgruntled IT employees. Somewhere an Internet Service Provider is rubbing his hands together with glee knowing that 146mb I just downloaded could have been 14mb.

  4. Yes, apparently Leighton has never heard of compression. Hey Leighton, in iMovie there are little buttons that allow you to adjust the size of the video. They’re pretty well hidden, though — right under the “Export” option.

  5. Um, it was better without the sound on because then I could pretend that they were accurate–I just couldn’t hear it. Thanks for the early awesome Christmas present!

  6. Compression is a useful tool, but to degrade the quality of something like this so people such as Nick couldn’t enjoy it full screen would be deleterious.

  7. I think degrading the quality of the video could only improve it.

  8. not a gator says:

    I believe I have just developed epilepsy from watching that video!

    Your sisters were well coordinated with that backup dancing, though. Did they dance at school? I’m impressed.