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2.39: Acts

2.39: Acts

In this long-time-in-coming new episode, we talk about Luke: Part II, also known as Acts, or sometimes, the Acts of the Apostles. Crazy stuff abounds, people get healed by shadows, thousands of people convert after a single sermon, tongues are spoken in, and people’s heads catch on fire or something. It’s a little hard to swallow.

Also, Skunk Dicks and a new feature, Matt’s Anthropology Corner.

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2.36: Presuppositionalist Apologetics

2.36: Presuppositionalist Apologetics

Episode 36, wherein we have a debate with audio clips of Sye Ten Bruggencate, which as far as I can tell is exactly the same experience as having an actual debate with Sye Ten Bruggencate. Which he refused to do any way. So listen up if you want to be able to tackle the extremely unimportant philosophical precepts that were stolen from actual philosophers and pressed into service by the idiots who currently bandy about this nonsense apologetic, Sye Ten Bruggencate and Eric Hovind.

And if that wasn’t enough skunk dicks for you, we do another one too.

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33: God’s (Not) Dead Part II

33: God’s (Not) Dead Part II

We skip skunk dicks and dive head-first into finishing our critique of one of the finest pieces of Christian cinema this side of Fireproof. Will freshman and unflappable Christian extraordinaire Josh Wheaton convince the class that God’s not dead? Will atheist asshole Professor Hercules treat his girlfriend with respect? Most importantly, will the Oscar-worthy salutatorian who went to her third-choice school just to be with her boyfriend in spite of what her mother always said ever return to the film?

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32: God’s Not Dead He’s Surely Alive Living On the Inside Roaring Like a Lion, Part One

32: God’s Not Dead He’s Surely Alive Living On the Inside Roaring Like a Lion, Part One

Wow, God must exist because there’s no other explanation for this horrible travesty of a Christian film. It is supernaturally bad. In part one of an 8 part series, we cover the first half of God’s Not Dead, which is apparently just a Jack Chick tract with a larger budget. Josh Wheaton, heroic fresh-faced Christian meets Professor Douchebag Radisson who is a militant atheist who tries to get every one of his philosophy students to sign a pledge stating God is dead. Josh refuses, and so engages our dickish professor in mortal combat, philosophy-style. Guest-starring film teacher Noah, best known as the guy who almost got his ass sued by Kirk Hastings.

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30: Hobby Lobby

30: Hobby Lobby

We discuss the recent Supreme Court decision where, as it turns out, corporations are people who can exercise their religious liberties to discriminate against women too! That, and plenty of skunk dicks.

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29: Nathan Phelps

29: Nathan Phelps

For this episode we connect back with Nathan Phelps, a leading light in the atheist-skeptical movement and estranged son of Fred Phelps. Since our last interview, a lot has happened both in Nate’s life and in the Westboro Baptist Church, into which Nate still possesses keen insight. Keep an eye on Nate’s site for more information about his upcoming documentary “Not My Father’s Son,” and kick in some cash if you can. It’s for a great cause.

All that and skunk dicks too.

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